Do you remember me, or the frock?

Good taste never goes out of style. And the recent  “Golden Age of Couture” show in  London  seems to speak to our interest in what makes for an enduring classic. I haven’t even mentioned Grace Kelly’s wedding dress, which has been stated as the most copied of all styles.  But I don’t think that any of this is what Michelle Obama had in mind, when she went on The View. She wore a dress. We all know, off the rack $148. Why is this front page news? That you can be stylish and not spend a lot? That this speaks to issues of race and class? That it was well made an simple? That we are tired of hearing about the gumball sized pearls and have moved on? But stories continue to crop up, just Google Michelle Obama dress and see how many news stories you find. The BBC reported that she thought politics was “a mean business”.  No mention of the dress though. Perhaps what is important is wholly a matter of who is paying attention. For me this begs another question entirely, will Hillary Clinton be remembered more in our minds for the ceiling she attempted to shatter, or that she did her best in a pantsuit  (also with gobstopper pearls)?]]>